Things to note – FUNLCD Digital Signage & Displays Supplier in China Sat, 27 Jan 2024 14:02:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Things to note – FUNLCD 32 32 Things to note when using digital signage Sat, 27 Jan 2024 14:01:22 +0000 Continued]]> Digital signage is a system that uses digital display technology to display information, advertising and other content. It is widely used in shopping malls, hotels, hospitals and other places. When using digital signage, you need to pay attention to the following things:

Content design

The information content of digital signage should be clear, concise, vivid, and easy to understand and remember. At the same time, it is necessary to select appropriate information content based on the characteristics and needs of the target audience to improve the publicity effect of digital signage.

Display effect

The display effect of digital signage is one of the important factors affecting the audience experience. To ensure the display effect of digital signage, you need to pay attention to the following points: choose the appropriate screen size and resolution, adjust the appropriate brightness and contrast, choose the appropriate colors and fonts, and reasonably arrange the location and layout of the information content, etc.

Play time

The play time of digital signage needs to be arranged reasonably to avoid being too long or too short. A play time that is too long can make viewers feel tired and bored, while a play time that is too short may fail to capture their attention. Therefore, it is necessary to reasonably arrange the playback time of digital signage according to the actual situation.

Update frequency

The information content of digital signage needs to be updated regularly to stay fresh and attractive. To ensure the update frequency of digital signage, an effective information release mechanism needs to be established to update the information content of digital signage in a timely manner.


Maintenance of digital signage is an important measure to ensure its service life and display effect. Digital signage must be inspected and maintained regularly, and problems that arise must be dealt with in a timely manner to ensure the normal use of digital signage.

Security issues

The security issues of digital signage are also one of the things that need to be paid attention to. Effective security measures must be taken to prevent leakage and malicious tampering of information content.

In short, when using digital signage, you need to pay attention to the above matters to ensure the effectiveness and safety of digital signage. At the same time, it is necessary to continuously optimize and improve the design and operation methods of digital signage based on actual conditions to improve its publicity effect and commercial value. If you have any quesion, please let us know.
