Elevator Digital Signage Installation Method

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Elevator Digital Signage is a product that advertisers are most keen to invest in. Elevator advertising Digital Signage is actually an application of building advertising machine, because the dynamic mode of Elevator Digital Signage makes up for the shortcomings of the static form, and there is a more dynamic feeling on the screen, and its unique installation position has attracted the attention of the advertising market and the advertising industry.

Elevator Digital Signage from the installation location, divided into elevator digital signage and lift advertising machine, Elevator Digital Signage as far as possible to install stand-alone, advertising replacement is more convenient, the network version of the network is prone to instability, which will affect the effect. Network version and stand-alone version can be installed in the lift, but the network version is more convenient to publish ads. How to install the lift advertising machine? The following is a detailed introduction for you:

Method 1: Fixed with expansion screws

1. Fix the mounting backboard to the wall with expansion screws, and hang the mounting hooks of the Elevator Digital Signage into the corresponding hook holes on the mounting backboard with the locks open, and the mounting backboard should strive to be horizontal in order to ensure the level of the advertising machine.

Method 2: Use double-sided adhesive tape

1. In the case of the building walls do not allow dowels, you can keep the walls clean and stick the double-sided tape on the backboard and then the backboard on the wall, and then in the centre of the square and the four sides of the glass glue fixing, fixing to ensure that the installation of the backboard of the Elevator Digital Signage level.

2. Connect the power cable of the Elevator Digital Signage and wait for the glass glue to fully cured, after the backboard is fixed, the power cable can be introduced from the opening of the backboard (this method must be slotted in the wall to bury the power cable); it can also be introduced from the four sides of the backboard above the openings (this method is suitable for the places where the wall can not be slotted).

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