10 Tips for Daily Maintenance of Digital Signage

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The use of digital signage can be targeted to deliver information to the audience, digital signage is efficient and easy to use, but the digital signage is weak, in the day-to-day need to pay attention to the maintenance to better ensure that the use of digital signage.

1, maintain the humidity of the environment in which the digital signage is used, do not let anything with the nature of moisture into your digital signage. Adding electricity to digital signage that contains moisture can cause corrosion of digital signage parts, which in turn can cause permanent damage.

2, to avoid possible problems encountered, we can choose passive protection and active protection, try to digital signage may cause harm to the items away from the screen, and clean the screen as gently as possible to wipe, minimize the possibility of injury.

3, digital signage and our users the closest relationship, do a good job of cleaning and maintenance work is also very necessary. Prolonged exposure to the outdoor environment wind, sun, dust, etc., for a period of time down, the screen is certainly a piece of dust, which needs to be cleaned in a timely manner in order to prevent the dust for a long time wrapped around the surface to affect the viewing effect.

4, requires a stable power supply and good grounding protection, do not use in poor natural conditions, especially strong lightning weather.

5, the screen is strictly prohibited into the water, iron powder and other easily conductive metal objects. Digital signage as far as possible placed in a low-dust environment, a lot of dust will have an impact on the display effect, while too much dust will cause damage to the circuit. If for various reasons into the water, please immediately disconnect the power and contact maintenance personnel until the screen body display board dry before use.

6, Switching sequence of digital signage:

A: First open the control computer so that it can operate normally and then open the digital signage screen.

B: Close the digital signage screen first, and then close the computer.

7, do not play for a long time in the all-white, all-red, all-green, all-blue and other full-bright screen, so as not to cause excessive current, excessive heat in the power cord, LED lamp damage, affecting the service life of the display. Do not disassemble and splice the screen at will.

8, it is recommended that the digital signage rest time is greater than 2 hours a day, in the rainy season digital signage at least once a week to use more than once. Generally open the screen at least once a month, lit for more than 2 hours.

9, digital signage surface can be wiped with a dry cloth, or use a brush, vacuum cleaner for dust removal, can not be directly wiped with a wet cloth.

10, digital signage need to regularly check whether the normal work, line damage, such as not working to be replaced in a timely manner, line damage to be repaired or replaced in a timely manner. Digital signage internal lines, non-professionals are prohibited from touching, so as to avoid electrocution, or cause damage to the line; if there is a problem, please ask a professional to overhaul.

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